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Good cause to get in touch

Restructuring, turnaround- or growth situations are good reasons to get in touch with us. You are planning to sell properties or development projects? You have the perfect product idea but not the means to realize it? Talk to us.


We do have a clear image of investments fitting our portfolio, we love good ideas. Find out what we demand in order to get involved.


Our decision roadmap is short. In a standardized process we do a first check on the credentials and let you know in due time if an investment looks feasible upfront.


Our investment is only the first step. Together with you team and our network experts we work on unleashing the upside potential of your asset.


We do have predefined investment criteria and despite our focus on life science, real estate and energy we may also take a look on other industries if opportunities arise. General prerequisites however are:



Product Development

Real Estate

End in Mind


We do take our decisions fast and therefore we evaluate whether an investment looks feasible in only a few steps.

Typically your business plan or your project shall undergo a structured process, comprising the following milestones:

Inital Contact

Pitch / Teaser as well as alignment of goals and credentials. If interested in a cooperation we go into detail.


If we are interested we aim to really understand your product, your project and your goals. We shall challange strenthes and weakenesses and portfolio fit of your asset.

Formale Due Dilligence

If our analysis looks promising there will be aformal due dilligence by external advisors (tax, legal, finance).

Strukturierung & Closing

Deal structuring, paramaters for investment and exit followed by contractual details.


We only invest in products and projects which in our belief provide exceptional upside potential. The asset as such does not have to be fully developed and we shall gladly bring our international network to the table to support you in adding value to our joint investment.

When aquiring real estate projects asset- & share deals are possible.

When developing products private equity, purchase of patents or distribution licenses are possible.

When placing direct investments (PE, VC, SC) the operational team remains in the driver's seat (to the exception of hard restructuring situations). If needed and senseful we shall add industry knowledge to the company. Doing so we take advantage of both our network and external service providers.

We are truly convinced that micro-management is not the primary task of an investor. We therefore do not interfere in day to day business or operational management. However we expect to be heard when strategic decisions are taken or when key positions are being staffed.

Depending of the extent of our engagement we do demand to be part of advisory or supervisory board and to have a say in strategic decidions. We shall start our cooperation by defining mutual goals, a joint vision and a clear understanding of the milestones ahead.